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Six Sigma

Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a statistic based, data-driven and disciplined approach with a continuous

improvement methodology for reducing variation and eliminating defects in a product,

process or service.

It is a Quality management concept.

It is a problem-solving Methodology.

Six Sigma implementation is performed by;

DMAIC Methodology for existing Product, Process or Service.

Six Sigma – DMAIC

DFSS Methodology for Designing Product, Process or Service, DFSS is Design for Six Sigma

Six Sigma Meaning

Six Sigma

Six (6): It refers to the number of standard deviations or spread of the process on either

sides of mean (Average).

Sigma (σ): It is a Greek letter representing statistical unit of measurement that defines the

Standard deviation (i.e. SD) of a population. It is a measure of the variation in a data set

(readings) collected from the process.

History and Milestones of Six Sigma Journey

Six Sigma – Bill Smith
  • 1986: Six Sigma Approach was first proposed and developed by Bill Smith of Motorola.
  • Bill Smith is considered as Father of Six Sigma.
  • Change in Defect measurement concept from Percentage to PPM. Which magnifies the things.
  • January 1987: Motorola launched a long-term quality programme called Six Sigma Quality Programme.
  • 1988: After implementing Six sigma, Motorola was the first organisation to receive Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award. Second time in the year 2002.
  • 1992: Allied Signals adopted Six Sigma Approach
  • 1995: General Electric adopted Six sigma approach. Even though, Motorola is the founder of Six sigma, General Electric is the company which has proven that Six sigma is an interesting Management Strategy.
  • Six Sigma was made popular management approach by Jack Welch at General Electric (GE) in 1990’s.
  • 2002: Johnson & Johnson, Ford, Nissan & Honeywell adopted Six sigma approach.
  • Hundreds of companies around the world have adopted Six Sigma as a way of doing business.

Goal of Six Sigma Methodology

  • Improvement in Process Capability (Variation Reduction)
  • Reduction or elimination of defects (Defect Elimination)
  • To increase consistency.
  • Improvement in the process from its current level.
  • Improvement in Process stability.
  • Improvement in customer satisfaction.
  • Improvement in Profit.

Where to apply Six Sigma Methodology

  • It can be applied to all the Processes. (i.e. Manufacturing & Non-manufacturing). It is applicable to all the Industries and sectors.
  • Top Players in all the Industrial segments and almost 75% of Fortune 500 companies are driving Six Sigma Initiatives.
  • Following companies implemented Six Sigma Methodology in their early Stage.
  • Indian Companies: Infosys, Wipro, Tata Consultancy Services etc.
  • Global Giants: GE, Motorola, 3M, Bank of America, Boeing, Ford, etc.

Pictorial View to understand Six Sigma concept

Six Sigma Concept

Relation of Variation and Standard Deviation

Six Sigma and Variation

Relation of Sigma Level and Defects (Normal Distribution – centered process)

Six Sigma Level and Defects

1.5σ Shift Process – Normal Distribution

Six Sigma Shift Process

Sigma Metric and defect table (Norma Distribution)

Six Sigma – Defects

DMAIC Methodology – Overview

Six Sigma – DMAIC


Identify Opportunities. Define the Problem, Project Statement and Objectives.


Identify Outputs. What to improve (Parameters). Measure current Status.


Identify Inputs. Analyse the Process and focus on critical parameters affecting Outputs.


Optimise Outputs by Identifying and implementing improvements.


Control Inputs and Assure that improvement will sustain.


Benefits of Six Sigma Implementation

  • Executes strategic changes driven by top management.
  • Improves Capability of the Process and Reduces process variation.
  • Improves product quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Accelerates the rate of improvement.
  • Promotes learning across the team and improves employee morale.
  • Improves profit of the organisation by reduced defect levels.
  • Improves confidence on process and can monitor process performance.
  • Can compare performance of two processes.

Six Sigma Belts – Six Sigma Certification

To learn and digest this methodology, a person shall go through stage wise certifications as mentioned below;

  • Yellow belt
  • Green belt
  • Black belt
  • Master Black belt

There are courses for White Belts and Champions also, but major certification courses are as mentioned above.

Roles and Responsibilities

Six Sigma Certification


Leader of the Organisation. Decide Projects based on Business Need. Sponsor of the Projects. Project Identifier. Promoter, supporter and Resource Provider.

Master Black Belt (MBB)

Assistant and Adviser to Champions. Stay in touch with champions. Understands the requirements from Champions. Supports BB as Mentor. Bottle Neck Identifier Monitor and Remover. Teaches and spread expertise about Six Sigma Methodology.

Black Belt (BB)

Full Time Project Leader. Drives Complex Projects. Supports Green Belts. Trains, Educates, supports and Guides GB/YB. Stays in touch with Champions and MBB.

Green Belt (GB)

Part Time Team Leader with additional responsibility of Projects.  Drives Less complex Projects. Have Basic working knowledge for Six Sigma Projects. Focus on Usage of adequate standard statistical tools.

Yellow Belt (YB)

Support Team member in Projects. Engaged in Data collection, Process monitoring and improvement implementation at shop floor level.

Thank You and Happy Learning.


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