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Production Part Approval Process

Production Part Approval Process

What is PPAP? – Production Part Approval Process

Production Part Approval Process

It is one of the 5 core tools. (i.e. APQP, PPAP, SPC, MSA, FMEA)

It is the Initial Process in which customer demands from supplier to perform Production Process with specified documents / records which is for submission / review of customer to get approval for further production.

History of PPAP

Developed by AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

With the help of Auto giants Like Ford, Chrysler & General Motors

Initially it was limited to Automotive Industries only but looking to its positive aspects it is now widely spread in many other Industrial Segments.

Latest Version of PPAP is its 4th Edition w.e.f 1st June 2006 released by AIAG.

Purpose of PPAP

To determine and provide evidence that all customer engineering design record and specification requirements are properly understood and fulfilled by the supplier organization

To demonstrate that the manufacturing process has the potential to produce the product consistently meeting these requirements during an actual production run at the quoted production rate.

PPAP Document List and Submission Levels

PPAP Document List & Submission Levels

Summary of PPAP Submission Levels

PPAP requirements are typically distinguished by level as follows:

PPAP Submission Levels

PPAP Process Requirements

Significant Production Run

For production parts:

Product for PPAP shall be taken from a significant production run. This significant production run shall be from one hour to eight hours of production, and with the specific production quantity to total a minimum of 300 consecutive parts, unless otherwise specified by the authorized customer representative.

For bulk materials:

No specific number of “parts” is required. The submitted sample shall be taken in a manner as to assure that it represents “steady-state” operation of the process.

Now, let us understand PPAP Documents one by one:

1.       Design Records

The organization shall have the design record for the saleable Product.

If Customer is Design Responsible, then it will be in the form of Customer Drawing

If Supplier is Design Responsible, then it will be in the form of Supplier released drawing.

In both the cases, ballooned printed copy of the drawing or design record should be submitted.

2.       Authorised Engineering Change Documents

The organization shall have any authorized engineering change documents for those changes not yet recorded in the design record but incorporated in the product, part or tooling.

3.       Engineering Approval

The Customer Engineering Approval section is relatively new and was included in the latest AIAG PPAP.

Where specified by the customer, the organization shall have evidence of customer engineering approval.

4.       Design Failure Modes and Effect Analysis – DFMEA – (if applicable)

Please note that this is only applicable when the supplier has the design responsibility.

The product design-responsible organization shall develop a Design FMEA in accordance with, and compliant to, customer-specified requirements.

A single Design FMEA may be applied to a family of similar parts or materials in agreement with Customer.

5.       Process Flow Diagram

The organization shall have a process flow diagram in an organization-specified format that clearly describes the production process steps and sequence, as appropriate, and meets the specified customer needs, requirements and expectations

For bulk materials, an equivalent to a Process Flow Diagram is a Process Flow Description.

Process flow diagrams for ‘families’ of similar parts are acceptable if the new parts have been reviewed for commonality by the organization with Customer agreement.

6.       Process Failure Modes and Effect Analysis – PFMEA (if Applicable)

The organization shall develop a Process FMEA in accordance with, and compliant to, customer-specified requirements,

A single Process FMEA may be applied to a process manufacturing a family of similar parts or materials if reviewed for commonality by the organization with Customer agreement.

7.       Control Plan

The organization shall have a Control Plan that defines all methods and controls used for process control and complies with customer-specified requirements & IATF 16949:2016 requirements.

Control Plans for “families” of parts are acceptable if the new parts have been reviewed for commonality by the organization.

Control Plan approval may be required by certain customers.

8.       Measurement System Analysis (MSA)

The organization shall have applicable Measurement System Analysis studies, e.g., gage R&R, bias, linearity, stability, for all new or modified gages, measurement, and test equipment.

For bulk materials, Measurement System Analysis may not apply. Customer agreement should be obtained on actual requirements.

Supplier MSA system shall record all tools and instruments used to measure or check the raw materials and finished parts that are listed in the control plan.

Please note that the supplier’s MSA system should conform to their relevant ISO or IATF standard.

9.       Dimensional Results

The organization shall provide evidence that dimensional verifications required by the design record and the Control Plan have been completed and results indicate compliance with specified requirements.

The organization shall have dimensional results for each unique manufacturing process, e.g., cells or production lines and all cavities, moulds, patterns or dies.

The organization shall record, with the actual results: all dimensions (except reference dimensions), characteristics, and specifications as noted on the design record and Control Plan.

Dimensional results typically do not apply to bulk materials.

10.   Records of Material / Performance Tests

Material Test Results

The organization shall perform tests for all parts and product materials when chemical, physical, or metallurgical requirements are specified by the design record or Control Plan.

Performance Test Results

The organization shall perform tests for all part(s) or product material(s) when performance or functional requirements are specified by the design record or Control Plan.

Material & Performance test results may be presented in any convenient format.

11.   Initial Process Study

The organization shall use the following as acceptance criteria for evaluating initial process study results for processes that appear stable.

Results Interpretation

Index > 1.67 – The process currently meets the acceptance criteria. Seek approval and start production as per Control Plan.

1.33 ≤ Index ≤ 1.67 – The process may be acceptable but requires some improvement.

Index < 1.33 – The process does not currently meet the acceptance criteria.

Unstable Process:

Depending on the nature of the instability, an unstable process may not meet customer requirements.

Processes with One-Sided Specifications or Non-Normal Distributions

The organization shall determine with the authorized customer representative alternative acceptance criteria for processes with one-sided specifications or non-normal distributions.

Actions to Be Taken When Acceptance Criteria Are Not Satisfied

Contact customer representative if the process cannot be improved and acceptance criteria cannot be met by the required PPAP submission date.

12.   Qualified Laboratory Documentation

Inspection and testing shall be performed by a qualified (accredited) laboratory (internal or external) as defined by customer requirements and shall have a laboratory scope and documentation showing that the laboratory is qualified for the type of measurements or tests conducted.

13.   Appearance Approval Report – AAR – (if applicable)

A separate Appearance Approval Report (AAR) shall be completed for each part or series of parts if the product/part has appearance requirements on the design record.

14.   Sample Production Parts

The organization shall provide sample product as specified by the customer.

15.   Master Sample

The organization shall retain a master sample for the same period as the production part approval records. The master sample shall be identified as such and shall show the customer approval date and signature on the sample. The organization shall retain a master sample for each position of a multiple cavity die, mold, tool or pattern, or production process unless otherwise specified by the customer.

16.   Checking Aids

If requested by the customer, the organization shall submit with the PPAP submission any part-specific assembly or component checking aid.

The organization shall certify that all aspects of the checking aid agree with part dimensional requirements.

When special tools are used, they should be photographed, documented and included in this section, and this should also include the calibration records of the tools and the dimensional report from the tools.

17.   Customer Specific Requirements

The organization shall have records of compliance to all applicable customer-specific requirements.

18.1 Part Submission Warrant (PSW)

Upon completion of all PPAP requirements, the organization shall complete the Part Submission Warrant (PSW). A separate PSW shall be completed for each customer part number unless otherwise agreed by the customer.

The organization shall verify that all the measurement and test results show conformance with customer requirements and that all required documentation is available and, for Level 2, 3, and 4, is included in the submission as appropriate.

18.2 Bulk Material Checklist

For bulk materials, applicable customer-specific requirements shall be documented on the Bulk Material Requirements Checklist.

Customer PPAP Status

Approved – Part or material meets all customer requirements and can be shipped as per customer schedule.

Interim Approval – Part or material can be shipped on a limited time or piece quantity basis.

Rejected – The submission and / or Process shall be corrected to meet customer requirements and the fresh submission shall be approved before production quantities may be shipped.

Record Retention

PPAP records, regardless of submission level, shall be maintained for the length of time that the part is active plus one calendar year.

To watch video on PPAP, you can click on YouTube Plugin on this blog. There you can find video on this Topic as well as other topics too. For your convenience I am posting direct link here for PPAP Video

For videos on other engineering topics, refer below YouTube channel.

Thanks You ….

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